Image Gathering

Occasional Photograph




2006 seemed to be the year for travel - France, Canada, New England. Then in November we were fortunate to take a trip to Tuscany during a spell of amazing (and apparently unusual) fine weather. The light was unforgettable and I spent too much time grovelling in places with my camera. Autumn, early evening, turning trees, fallen leaves and those colours - irresistable!

In 2007, a working trip to the Bahamas in January and quite a bit of travel around the UK - Yorkshire, Kent, Devon et alia. In June, two weeks in New England resulted in a number of images for iStock. November found us back in Italy with a few days in Venice and, once more, beautiful weather.

2008, a good start on the travel front with a trip to New York in April, New England in June and St Ives in Cornwall in July. Work took me to Rotterdam, Barcelona and Prague. Our regular visit to Italy in the autumn included Lucca, Pisa, Florence and Pistoia.

2009 - so far, a return to the Bahamas to light a poker tournament, a trip to Devon, three weeks in Sydney, Australia, in March, Devon again in April, a few days in Norfolk in May followed by a cruise around the Baltic in June. Now trying to catch up with the image processing.


Canal reflection at Worcester


Since April 2006 I have been offering an unsuspecting world the fruits of my photographic endeavours through a royalty-free stock agency. For the sort of money that will not even purchase a peanut, I can sell my images throughout the world. Oh, the excitement of it all! (However don't get too excited by the images - arty is frowned upon in the world of stock photography apparently. Woe betide me if I try to upload anything with a bit of chiarascuro).

My portfolio can be viewed here. View My Portfolio

It will give you some idea of where I've been recently and what I've been up to.

At work

At play

Copyright: David J Cannings-Bushell, 2009